We'll help you to attract the very best talent
Jobs in Agriculture connects talented individuals with the leading agricultural roles.
Powered by Farmers Guardian, we highlight your roles to our extensive network of engaged jobseekers who regularly look to us for quality, trusted and beneficial content.
Striving to serve the industry with relevant, quality vacancies, we are driven by leading recruitment technology and dedicated marketing to fill your vacancies quickly.
If you're interested in advertising with Jobs In Agriculture please get in touch with Katie O'Hagan.
Standard Listing £349
Advertise your job online for 30 days and receive applications direct to your inbox. Your job will also be featured in our weekly email to jobseekers and posted on our Jobs In Agriculture social media channels.
Become a #CareersInAg Partner
We have launched our #CareersInAg campaign to get more people into the agriculture industry.
We're always on the look out for new partners so please get in touch if you're interested in finding out more
Find more job listing and sponsorship packages on our pricing page
Proudly working with
Interested in becoming a Jobs In Agriculture sponsor?
We have some fantastic sponsorship packages available help you get your business in front of highly engaged agricultural and non-agricultural audiences. The packages include activity across a range of different marketing avenues from the Jobs In Agriculture family, including Farmers Guardian, Dairy Farmer and Arable Farming
We'll work with you to put together a joint promotion plan to increase awareness of your brand to relevant audiences.
- Logos on Jobs in Agriculture branding
- Company profile on Jobs In Agriculture website
- 50% off online recruitment advertising
- Feature in our Job of the Week slot on the Jobs In Agriculture homepage
- Adverts in print - Farmers Guardian, Dairy Farmer and Arable Farming
- Social media posts on Jobs in Agriculture channels
- And much more
To see the full media pack and find out more about what we can offer you please contact katie.ohagan@agriconnect.com
Why advertise your job with us?
Jobs In Agriculture is powered by Farmers Guardian so we have access to a large database of agricultural candidates that we can promote your opportunities too.
Our expert marketing team use a range of marketing channels in order to increase visits and applications. We send out emails every week to our databases, promote jobs across all our social channels and you'll have the opportunity to advertise your jobs across all three of our associated magazines - Farmers Guardian, Arable Farming and Dairy Farmer.